Millennial Men | #ghosting #trending

Saheli Bhattacharyya
2 min readOct 4, 2021

Are millennial men incapable of love? What does Bumble say? Whitney Woolf any comments?

Well, I do not know about analytics, but definitely have something to share about my User Experience.

I belong to a cohort of strong, beautiful, and intelligent women. Women who are not just fending for themselves, but doing quite well in life. Women who are known to defend and uphold fellow women, empathy being one of their core qualities. Fairly good human beings, who I would categorize under lesser judgemental humans. However, when it comes to their experience in romance, they seem to be climbing the steps of heaven only to be thrown in mid-air! Falling down hard, I see them rise like a phoenix. The experiences range from two weeks of dating resulting in ghosting to love marriages falling apart without any explanation on behalf of the husband.

Now, there there! All the men reading this must think I am one hell of a JUDGEMENTAL person myself. Generalizing half of the human population in one paragraph. Nope, I am not shaming any gender here, but raising a concern. And it is not just one experience, here I compile incidents that I have witnessed continuously over the past few years — individually as well as the women who are in my core circle.

Is society actually responsible for building up a generation of men who cannot FEEL? Society indeed consists of both males and females. Did parents literally force down goblets of masculinity which has resulted in a disconnect between the heart and the mind in men, to such an extent that it has become an unbridgeable gorge? Are you, the reader, as a part of this society perturbed by this condition that the men in our society are facing?

If you are a parent, reading this — please take note. Do not raise a boy, raise a good human being. If you are someone part of an educational institute — do not just produce men who can face the border, create humans who can face their insecurities honestly.

A humble request from a fellow woman who was raised to be a “thinker” as well as an “empathizer”. I do not believe that all men lack the capacity to feel, but they definitely lack the strength to face their feelings.



Saheli Bhattacharyya

As a writer, I find solace and wonder in the ordinary moments. My passion lies in uncovering the magic woven into the fabric of everyday life.